This new uitlaatpakking of a Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit. Uitlaatpakking between the manifold and the voorpijp
This is a new exhaust manifold gasket on a Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.
This is a new exhaust manifold for the Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.
This is a new uitlaatmoer to the voorpijp. per piece delivered
This is a new imitation fuel filter between the fuel hose of a Lombardini engine.
This is a new electric fuel pump for Lombardini FOCS 502 motor.
This is a new fuel pump for Lombardini FOCS engine. This is a mechanical pump. Associated gasket: O-ring mechanical fuel pump Lombardini. Item number: 100563
Imitation fuel filter for Lombardini engine. Screw model. With O-ring
Fuel schroeffilter for the brommobiel with Lombardini engine. With O-ring.
This is a new gasket of the brandstofdoorvoer of a Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.