This is a new o-ring on the atomizer for a Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.
This is a new o-ring (injector) of a Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.
This is a new o-ring of the mechanical fuel pump for Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.
This is a new o-ring of the control bulb for a Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.
This is a new gasket for the crankshaft (flywheel side) of a Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.
This is a new Lombardini waterpompset for your Brommobiel. Imitation Lombardini waterpompset consists of: Water Pump Lombardini Waterpomppakking motor Lombardini Waterpomppakking exit Lombardini To use for: FOCS Lombardini progress engine
This is a new waterpomppakking (exit) for a Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.
This is a new waterpomppakking (motor side) for a Lombardini FOCS 502 motor unit.